Today while my wife was in Home Depot she found a paint product that she thought would intrest me. It is an acrylic based paint that has a grit (sand maybe?) mixed in and when it dries it has a griity feel to it and it is thick. So thich that the directions state that it can be applied with a putty knife or a brush. It is called Martha Stewart Terra Cotta Specialty Finish and the color she got for me is called "Potting Soil" so as you can imagine it is like a deep muddy brown color. While looking on the net I found that is available in several colors including "Gravel". It also states that it can be painted over and cleans up with water. Here is a link to the Gravel Color page on Home Depots website. It is a Home Depot exclusive so that is where you will have to get it from.
This stuff will be great for painting a textured road or concrete foundations or support pilliars. The color I have would make for a great muddy road after it was detailed once the base coat was put down. Best part is that the jars were marked down from $6.98 (10 oz. jar) to $1.73! But hang on...when she checked out they rang up at $0.01 each! Yes 1 cent! She even asked the cashier if that was correct. He said yes so she got 2 jars for 2 cents!
10 oz. is supposed to cover 12 sq. feet!
Has anyone else used this stuff?