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aside from an eBay “details” search, i’ve taken apart old non-working clocks (available super cheaply at antique/vintage/junk stores in which you’ll find a lot of small non-specific interesting metal parts that can be blackened and rusted out. makes for great junkyard, trackside and industrial piles of who- knows- what. 

Two suggestions:

1) At the dollar stores, they often sell extremely cheap plastic play sets of different themes--Fire engine, Farm, and so on. They usually have a vehicle of some kind plus all kinds of random accessories. Strip the vehicle for wheels, windows, lights, etc. and throw the carcass away. The real gold is in the accessories. You can find tools, traffic cones, cargo of various kinds, carts, etc, etc. They sometimes look cheap and plasticy, but a little paint makes them look great. For example, the welding set in this scene came from an "emergency rescue" set:


All I had to do was add the hose,


2) For small details, I very often make them out of bits of solder. You can work it just like a blacksmith works hot iron: 

solder Asolder Dsolder Esolder Fsolder Gsolder H

All of the tools in this scene were made using this technique:

overview 2

overview 3

(The oil barrel came from a dollar store kit.)


Images (9)
  • IMG_100
  • overview 2
  • overview 3
  • solder A
  • solder D
  • solder E
  • solder F
  • solder G
  • solder H

Ask at your local train shop if they have a box of junk. If they buy used trains there are always bits and pieces which wind up in the junk box. Don’t forget to look at other scales. There is a lot out there. At Nick’s Trains in Raleigh, NC we have a “salad bar” with lots of bits, pieces, odds and ends. We sell it by the bag. All you can get in a zip lock bag and have it close.  Price depends on the size of the bag.


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