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I am working on a layout design/track plan for my Dad's layout.  He has four 4'x8' tables for the track area (8'x16' total track area). He then intends to have a 2'x12' strip added on one side to allow for building a main street and town.  I put together the track plan in RR-Track and this was my first attempt at using the software. All of his current engines will run on O-36 track, but I kept the outside line as O-72 curves to allow for some flexibility.  The inside main line uses O-60 curves. I added reversing capability in the inner most loop, but this uses O-36 curves.  This is a rough draft plan.  I would appreciate any thoughts, tips, suggestions you all may have for the track plan.  Thanks for your input.





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Hi TNHokie,

Which track will you be using? How will you operate, conventional, command or both?


That satisfies my curiosity.


The results (track plan) should be the result of some thoughtful planning to have a layout that is very close to what the operator will enjoy. Reading the books of the several of layout designers that have influenced model railroading can take a lot of time. I found a very concise guide based upon the ideas of those designers. Sit down with Dad and spend some time developing the answers. Then take a look at your track plan and determine how close you are to what he wants to have. The document is attached.


Have fun with Dad and cherish the time you have together.








Glad to see you've picked up RRT usage quickly.  Please allow me to offer two comments.


1.  You have several switches in the middle between four and five feet from the layout edge.  If you have any problems (electrical, derailment, or anything else) there, someone will probably have to crawl on to the layout to do the fix.


2.  Putting your reverse loops only within the O-36 oval means that any larger engines acquired later will only be able to travel in one direction (very boring after a while) unless you use the old 0-5-0 (your hand).  The more often you pick up an engine, the more likely you are to cause some damage, so that's something you might try to avoid.


Is there any chance you can put the 4x8 tables around the room and use fitter pieces to connect them?  Or, could you put three of them in a U shape and then cut up the 4th piece to widen locations where you place O-72 curves? 


Just some thoughts.


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