Hey guys. It has been over two years since my "Eastern Division" got demolished to make way for the new and improved version.
With bench work and track installation now close to 100%, I decided to shift gears and do some scenery.
I was always a big fan of Dave Frary's book "Realistic Model Railroad Scenery" since 1982. I have used his scenery methods extensively. Heck, my book is worn out and held together with scotch tape.
Back in the day, he recommended first painting the castings in your "earth color", then apply a few washes of color finally followed by a "shadow color" with white dry brush for the highlights. That was 1982.
Fast forward 25 years, Dave has a new book or two. Dave's current method of painting rocks starts by painting everything FIRST "scenery black". This is a mixture of earth and flat black thinned 50%. Then follow with your rock colors and washes.
So, I am always willing to try something new and my pics below tell the story. My rock castings are a combination of foam, Sculptamold, cardboard strips and carved plaster. Everything is painted with tube acrylics. I am attempting to model the Union Pacific rolling thru Wyoming so my color palate reflects those rock colors. Mostly tan / gray with just a hint of burnt sienna.