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Gargraves turnouts are great!  I have forty (40) on my layout and haven't had a problem.  Until the last batch I got not too long ago.  I was wiring the non-derailing feature and couldn't figure out why the points were bouncing back and forth wildly and continuously!  The answer was the two control rails, that is the two rails closest to one another at the curved and straight division, WERE ACTUALLY TOUCHING!  I had to look very closely but at the very bottom portion of the rails made contact causing both to be energized when either was powered.  The fix was easy as I took a flat head screwdriver and separated the rails.  

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I have mostly Gargraves switches with 18 of those the pre 1991 style. I have had occasional derailments with light weight cars and steamers leading/trailing trucks on some of the older Gargraves switches.  No derailments with the newer style.


I did have an issue with arcing on one of the new type switches when some cars passed over them.  The center rail near the points was too close to the outer rail and the inside of the wheel was making contact between them.  A little adjustment with needle nose pliers and a bit of liquid tape fixed that problem.

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