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Using DCS 5.0 I have to create lashup again after I turn power off. If I turn power off while in lashup, when I turn power back on using Barry's super fast handle action when I press Lashup StartUp, both engines light up and only one responds to control-- the other sits unresponsive. Both engines work fine under individual control.

I bought two of these gems to run as a Lashup. So it is very annoying to have to delete the Lashup and reenter it each time that I turn power on.

Any thoughts?


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When you first  power up  the tiu both should remain dark & silent. (out goes the watch dog signal)

You may have to get that fixed as a first step.

Here's what I would try.... Create the lash-up.  give the engines &  enough time to  charge the capacitors.

Power down the tiu ,Power up again  (watch dog should go out. and the lash-up should remain dark & silent. You should be able to now start them up..... If one of them starts up on it's own , try it again.. powered down and power up again.

It seems some PS-3 are missing the watch dog for  whatever reason (who knows)

The best thing I do is use the soft key ALL.    Select the engines you want to run in the active list, put them all facing forward. Then start them up individually, then find the soft key ALL. Then both engines will do whatever you want. never have to mess with lash-up feature again.. You can still adjust each loco separately, lights ,sound, smoke. Bad thing is the couplers work on both units. I use Kadee so this is not a problem for me. Caution all active engines in that remote will operate.  I know its not the best but it is better than fighting Lash-up mode.   

Another option might be... Give both engines the same ID.

Here's how... Lets say the 44 tonner has ID 44...  Take it off the track and delete it from the remote. Deleting it doesn't change the engine's  ID number,. IDs stick with the engine. The engine is off the track  still with ID 44.

However ID 44 is now available in the remote so you can  now Edit the address of the other 44tonner to ID 44.

Both engines now have ID 44 and will respond as one engine....  This is a piece of cake with proto-2  .

It should work as well with proto-3 but so should the lash-up.  

The advantage is if you have other engines in the active list the All is also control them.


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