"Scrapple is typically made of hog offal, such as the head, heart, liver, and other trimmings, which are boiled with any bones attached (often the entire head), to make a broth. Once cooked, bones and fat are removed, the meat is reserved, and (dry) cornmeal is boiled in the broth to make a mush. The meat, finely minced, is returned to the pot and seasonings, typically sage, thyme, savory, black pepper, and others are added. The mush is formed into loaves and allowed to cool thoroughly until set. The proportions and seasoning are very much a matter of the region and the cook's taste."
Really, Jeb? You did all this just for US?
You shouldn't have.
Why not "Boiled Corned Beef and Cabbage" for St. Pat's Day (Flavor for March), then???
Or, "Fish Fry" for running trains on Fridays?
Or, "Kimchee"?
Or, Swedish "Surströmming", Norwegian "Lutefisk"?
Or, "Egg Salad - aged"?
(Some things just belong on the other side of the Appalachians!...IMHO, of course. Besides, we get "California Brushfire" scent for free here in Michigan!)