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As a fan of railroad related/layout useable prototype structures, of a type l find mostly west of Pa. or especially, the Miss. River, l have found interesting structures around our "Valhalla"  in SE Pa. Aside from the "minor altercation" Gettysburg is known for, it is a center for orchards, many to the north, hiding this mill l blundered on, following fruit stand signs north of the college. It would make a location for a weed grown siding for a fruit reefer. And as store/mill combination, the town center, and maybe also a station as the store on the Ma. and Pa. at Muddy Creek Fork, which also has a mill.


Images (2)
  • IMG_20221016_114554406_HDR~2: Pa. Apple Country Mill
  • IMG_20221016_114421878_HDR: Store front with porch/sock
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