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@GG1 4877 posted:

Perhaps it is time to ask Scott about a 3rd run of PA's?  The Sunset late PA, known to modelers as the the "PA3", with the snowplow on the pilot is 2nd to none in the 3 rail O scale world.

I’d love to see a third run of the PAs. The Models are ALL beautiful. I’m Very happy with my SP NKP and MP. I’d like to see a SP Bloody Nose version and MP Jenks Blue version offered in a run 3.
Boy. So many offerings in the Q now though and production/delivery is SO SLOW !!!!!! 🤔
E1, EA, SD40-2, EP3, E6, Alco FA, P42 offerings alone probably takes us deep into 2024. 🤭😮.
Yep. A heck of a jam up. 😳😳😳.                 I guess we just have to be patient      

Just keep the beauties coming Scott !!!😬

@TrainBub posted:

Well here’s hoping the Daylight cars, C&O steam, and Kraus Maffei are Very Soon being pack up into a container for shipment to US. 🤞🤞🤞 The sooner these products set sail, the happier a lot of us will be !!! 😬🙂👍😜😉😀👍

I hope so, but if I am expecting further delays based on the holidays and the news reporting on this issue.  They will get here eventually, just maybe not by the end of February.  Items from other manufacturers are being delayed by months.  I think that February is very optimistic.  I hope to be proven wrong.

Last edited by Jtrain
@Jtrain posted:

I hope so, but if I am expecting further delays based on the holidays and the news reporting on this issue.  They will get here eventually, just maybe not by the end of February.  Items from other manufacturers are being delayed by months.  I think that February is very optimistic.  I hope to be proven wrong.

I see your point. However, in the past Scott's reports on his production samples have always preceded actual shipment by a relatively short period of time - although I'll be corrected by anyone here who's had a closer involvement in this particular project than I have.

The dome car does look spectacular, and I can't wait for mine to arrive although, based on what I know and your info, I suspect it will be roughly 3-4 months until it does.

Regarding shipping.  Scott was pretty clear.  With all the shipping/container fubars going on the cost of shipping across the Pacific has gone up 5X+ over the past year.  And yes it is pure supply and demand, their costs are pretty stable.  Shipping alone would significantly cost more than Scott would make on the models if he just got the first available container.  So he had to get creative and work with others in the same situation.   The date he has given is the date that a container is available in China that they came up with.  So that date its firm.  Or at least as firm as anything from Asia can be at the moment given the political tensions going on over there.

Getting the container from Long Beach to San Ramon is the iffiest part schedule wise.   The UP is probably the biggest impediment to clearing the port generally so long haul trucks are doing most of the transport.

I live along the UP main over Donner and have not seen any increase in traffic from the Port of Oakland eastbound.  And that port is not saturated.  But the shipping companies, the ones that operate container ships, don't want to come to the port of Oakland.  So they sit off of Long Beach for weeks.

@TrainBub posted:

I’d love to see a third run of the PAs. The Models are ALL beautiful. I’m Very happy with my SP NKP and MP. I’d like to see a SP Bloody Nose version and MP Jenks Blue version offered in a run 3.
Boy. So many offerings in the Q now though and production/delivery is SO SLOW !!!!!! 🤔
E1, EA, SD40-2, EP3, E6, Alco FA, P42 offerings alone probably takes us deep into 2024. 🤭😮.
Yep. A heck of a jam up. 😳😳😳.                 I guess we just have to be patient      

Just keep the beauties coming Scott !!!😬

I would like to see a 3rd run of PA's as well I need a set of SF's and UP's.

Its also on Youtube under title

GGD SP Daylight Samples Dec 2.

No link allowed from Youtube.

I wonder if that's because the video was listed as "for kids" (viewing on YT shows a "YouTube Kids" banner underneath...all sorts of normal features are disabled on videos tagged as such, and sometimes YT will tag a video as "for kids" without the uploader specifying so.


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