Gearing up for my 12 x 23 around the wall layout, and looking at a major investment in track, switches and you know.. I have some Gargraves track, some tubular and 3 or 4 GG switches. The GG track looks good to me but I read here that GG track is not accuratly curved and seems no one likes GG switches. At over $100 a switch for Ross or fast track, GG looks attractive to me. Gasolene at over $4 a gallon is cheap compared to train track switches. I have ruled out fast track, not enough selections in track radius's.
So costs are a concern but also dont want big troubles laying track and opertional difficulties later. My trains will be run in post war style, no command control.
Looks like the only choices are :
Any others?
If i go with all GG will I be ok?