Got my order delivered of almost $100 of Flexbed. (1/4 inch)
I was very surprised that it arrived without any sheet or instructions, tips, or recommendations whatsoever as to methods of installation. Nothing about fasteners, cutting, curling, or adhering.
I have spent the last two days putting it down. (I'm about half done.)
Guess what, it ain't easy to bend and fasten the Flexbed to 031 Curves. The inside edge want to "pop up" as much as 3/4ths of an inch high, on stretches of just two curved sections. (Yes, I've seen Eric's video, and my product isn't behaving like his.)
It takes some real force to hold the inside edge flat, all along the edge. I'm using Tight Bond II, and putting lots of weight and screws down, followed by holding down the pop-up places with my fingers until the bond sets.
Not what I expected at all.
I've read that heating up the Flexbed strips makes it easier to bend them.
I've got a heat gun. Is that what I'm suppose to use?
(Geez, after I force the piece down in place, there is glue smeared everywhere!)