I love halloween and wondered if anybody bought the halloween series buildings and lionel halloween cars or anything else related and did up a spooky layout with blacklights and errie stuff?
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Actually, I'm working on something. But you'll have to wait and see.
Yes....we have been working on our Halloween layout. Still need to finish some landscaping and hide electrical cords, but at least we can run trains and enjoy.
I'll try to post some pics soon.
Just started clearing stuff of the end of my layout nearest the garage door. Will start filling in with Lamax/D56 accessories this week. Weather permitting, we will run trains with the garage door open and pass out candy. We do this about every other year and so far, the weather has always been great.
I used to love Halloween but the stores have had spooky merchandise out since Labor Day and now I am so over it!
The better half loves Halloween, so she first agreed to let me set up a Halloween table in the living room...then she recanted I bought a couple of themed cars and got a good deal on a #13 4-4-0 General (My first General). Pre-ordered the Peanuts great pumpkin car from my LHS. Got the rest of the consist running tonight. Bought some cheezy zombies and spiders at the Halloween costume shop, too.
I have 2 animated displays, made from Lemax items, but they do not include trains. They are displayed so all the "trick or treaters" can view them. Some kids have gotten so "into" them that I had to remind them to take some candy.
Not yet but I plan on running the Phantom with a few small glow in the dark aliens to go with it.
As promised here are a few pictures of our Halloween layout. Still have some work to do, adding retaining walls, Halloween lights, another carnival ride, etc., but we are running trains. Halloween is a great time to run our new RMT Peep Halloween passenger cars and our circus cars.
very cool layouts guys. Some of the lemax stuff is expensive, but I may try to do something next year for my party. need to find some deals on some of the buildings.
cant wait to see some more! thanks!
I've always enjoyed Halloween. Peter & Santa Fe, nice layouts! Looking forward to seeing your Vulcan.
What ever happen to the guy that posted with the modernistic styrofoam formed layout and the wild paint job? Have not seen anything from him in years.
The better half loves Halloween, so she first agreed to let me set up a Halloween table in the living room...then she recanted I bought a couple of themed cars and got a good deal on a #13 4-4-0 General (My first General). Pre-ordered the Peanuts great pumpkin car from my LHS. Got the rest of the consist running tonight. Bought some cheezy zombies and spiders at the Halloween costume shop, too.
The #13 was my first General too I've gotten a few more since. I found some fun overscale Zombie figures at Zkmart to repaint. They look like something Ed Roth would have made or Zgarbagr pail kids. Fun.
My "ghost" train seems to make an appearance on the layout every year around this time.
The aliens can also be counted on to make an appearance in their customized train.
What ever happen to the guy that posted with the modernistic styrofoam formed layout and the wild paint job? Have not seen anything from him in years.
Rand Fredricksen (sp?), he's been gone for quite a while.
Nice work, Guys!
We are building new one, mountain not done yet will show shortly.
Silver Lake: Any pics?
Jim: That is a cool effect on your ghost train.
Ed: Your layout looks good enough to eat!
Grandma is going to tend to the Zombies with the frying pan!
Here's the Halloween layout at our house, which replaced the pizza layout, and is soon to be replaced with the Christmas layout.
Can't figure out why I never have time to work on the "regular layout"
Hi Ed,
Nice job on your Halloween Layout. What are the dimensions? Nice and simple design.
The base board is 35" x 46".
All the track and curves are O27. The inside loop has one 8 3/4 straight at the front and back. The outside loop has (2) 8 3/4" straights at the front and back. I cut two pieces of straight at 6 3/4", one for each side on the outside loop.
Works well with Plymouth Switchers and Beeps, but other engines will work - just a little big!
Pumpkin cars are NYC searchlight cars with a pumpkin instead of a searchlight. Reeses Pieces ore cars are K-Line.
A request and reminder to our talented--and spooky--Forum friends!
I always like to theme-related photos in our various seasonal issues of the magazine, including Halloween in our October issue.
If you're willing to share your Halloween "picture treats" with our readers next year, please keep us in mind. Individual photos for Readers' Rails are welcome, as are full features if you built a Halloween-theme layout. Even Halloween-related how-to articles are welcome. Just remember I need hi-res images to work with for publication. Send me an e-mail at editor [@ symbol] ogaugerr.com if you have something you believe would be of interest and I'll take it from there.
Thanks much!