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I like the architecture of the MTH 2 story brick depot but find the windows just don’t look right to my eye  for a foreground model.  I’m not complaining about the simulated stone casings above the windows – but the double hung windows themselves.  Typically on brick structures the windows are inset several inches from the face of the building – not forward of it.   Has anyone had experience with improving the  windows on this otherwise very interesting station?


Ed Rappe

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I have never "rewindowed" the MTH station, but I have done so with several other MTH buildings.   See the photo below. The building on the left is the standard MTH five story office building, the one on the right is one of those corner stores.  (Note I added a floor to that one).




What I did was pop the windows out, then go to the Grandt Line or Tichy websites to find a match.  They both have dimensional data for the window size and the hole size.  A lot of times you will find a good match in the framed windows, which are not right for a masonry building.  In which case cut off the flange, and mount the window in backwards. Be sure to mount it in upside down as well, so the upper pane is outward. Otherwise your O scale people will get wet next time it rains.


As you can see they can fit fairly well:


 1221 OGR







PS, for comparison, here is the original MTH corner building:


MTH Building Business 30-90341 Metzger Butcher Shop Opposite Corner Building w Blinking Sign

 And here is the original five story building:



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  • 1221 OGR
Last edited by John Sethian
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