What do you place around the track on your layout to make it look realistic like scrap metal tparts, trash, train parts, old track, wood ties etc..
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Not much because mine is a more stylized British outline layout. Large sections are fenced in; the track rests on roadbed - which is roof shingles. Near the goods yard, I have stacks of sleepers and some scrub brush (dried lichen)
What do you place around the track on your layout to make it look realistic like scrap metal tparts, trash, train parts, old track, wood ties etc..
Screwdrivers, wire nuts, car keys, cheese curls...
My 4 and 8 year old girls. Only time I get to play trains is when they ask me to run them!
Looks great! ncng
Im always on the look out for pieces to lay around the track. Often I find when my grand kids break a toy I tear it to pieces and come up with interesting things to scatter about. The key is in painting it and weathering it. I am not a fan of shinny objects so I always make sure finish is dull. If using with electro magnet gantry crane I am sure to add metal if a plastic piece before painting. Sometimes I'll stop at a yard sale and find a box of rusty nuts, bolts and copper pieces for almost free. I'm from the old school of removing nuts, bolts, switches and the like from items we are throwing out. Comes in handy at the oddest times.