Here are photos of kits I built for a headframe, portable stamp mill, rock crusher, Hart-Parr gasoline tractor and a Case steam tractor. As mentioned elsewhere this is a more elaborate mine entrance than you see at the famous "Haw" and Baby Doe Tabor Matchless mine in Leadville, Colo., where she froze to death in the mine shack honoring Haw's admonition to "hold onto the Matchless".
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Nice Job, I was at the Matchless mine when I was kid... cool place, town had allot of history. I believe allot of the mines were reopening back then extracting molybdenum ore.
Second that - nice job!
There was (is?) a large molydenum operation up above Leadville. The last Colorado and Southern three foot gauge line served it, until it was converted to standard gauge to eliminate the interchange. Rule192: Everybody will want to see that mine complex, which looks like it will be huge. I don't know if ore is moved by train anywhere now, but in the Victor area (outside of Cripple Creek), to visit one of the old mines you have to scurry across the special road of giant Terex gold mining trucks serving the now open pits. No crossing gates for them, either, so look both ways.
Very nice mine. I really like how you've built the whole operation.
I'm loosely modeling the Cripple Creek/Victor Ute Pass region, but haven't got past the headframe yet, and it really wouldn't pass for anything prototypical. Those mines were huge.
That mining road of Terexes outside Victor I described has to be crossed to get to a well preserved small mine up on top of a hill, that has just a shack and a headframe. It is probably not the only one in the area, as in all of those mineral rushes, all kinds of tiny operations and punched prospect holes and a little larger, were everywhere in the frantic search for wealth. The lucky ones got larger.
The detail is great.
Alan Graziano
In the mines up in the north of Western Australia, the trucks are all driven by remote control from miles away - rather like the US drone aircraft; so the drivers would see you - and probably take a photo of you.