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Hello, I have created this layout in SCARM on a 5x9 and have used O60 and O48 easements for the outer loop and inner reverse loop respectively. I would like to connect the outer and inner loops without losing the easements so that a single train can run on the entire layout. The SCARM file is included.

Can someone help?

5x9 FT Layout


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  • 5x9 FT Layout
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This is easy; eliminate the siding inside the lower level reversing loop and flip that right hand switch so that the diverging track points to the outer loop.  Now, cut in a right hand switch in the outer loop that joins with the newly inverted switch and VOILA, you have connected the two "loops" with a single crossover.


2022-03-17-203838_1200x1920_scrotThanx Chuck!

Something like this? Also, would it make sense to add a switch on the other side (like I have in the screenshot)? It would seem without the other switch, the train would not be able to get back into the inner loop once it comes outside going anticlockwise.

Also, the switches cause an "S" - is that a concern?

Thanx again!


Images (1)
  • 2022-03-17-203838_1200x1920_scrot
Last edited by Pappu

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