Hello OGR Colleagues,
A problem arose that confuses me greatly. My power configuration is shown in the attached schematic.
I added fast acting breakers between my three transformer’s complete set of outputs and first connections to wire buses. I used Airpax Sensata Circuit Protectors (Snap-acting breakers), installed in-line on wires coming out of each transformer output:
- 10 Amp breakers (sku PP11-0-10.00A-OB-V) on the ZW(L) transformer outputs
- 5 Amp breakers (sku PP11-0-5.00A-OB-V) on both of the ZW(R) transformers' outputs
IMPORTANT NOTE: This was done because I experienced a damaging volt surge that destroyed my brand-new ZW(L) PCB board that had to be repaired under Lionel RA.
MAJOR PROBLEM - Now part of my Legacy Control with LCS Modules no longer work. When I bring up the ZW(L) in “CMD” mode, and when using either the CAB II – OR – when using the iPad, the three BPC2s do not switching on any of the selected eleven sidings to have power. The sidings are permanently off without power.
· Please see the demo of this issue's symptoms in the attached video below ...
WhVideo Part-A: when the ZW(L) is brought up in "CONV" mode, all sidings come up with power ON, and I am able to turn off/on at will a selected siding using my iPad connected to LCS. The BPC2 must be working properly to allow the on/off commands of power at will.
VidVideo Part-B: when the ZW(L) is brought up in "CMD" mode, all sidings come up with power OFF. I can try but if always fails to turn on/off at will a selected siding wither using my iPad again connected to LCS, or my CABII selecting the appropriate siding "TR" TMCC id. The iPad way of controlling makes it look like the siding gets turned on or off but in fact no power gets into the siding.
WCMy best guess: the LCS signal in ZW(L) transformer "CMD" mode is not getting through correctly to the BPC2 module to send current into the siding through its relays.
Is tIs there a rational explanation about ZW(L) and breakers? Do i have to run without breakers?
I hII hope someone can explain what is going on. Please let me know your thoughts. Thanks for reading!
Re Regards, Ken