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I am using Plasticville buildings for my layout but I want to put bases on them. I tried the card stock you see in the photos but it wars when painting or putting glue on it. Does anyone know of a stable material that would make a good base but not be to thick? You can see in the photos how it is warped on the left and right sides otherwise it looks great. Any help would be great thanks.


Images (4)
  • Supermarket 1
  • Supermarket 2
  • Supermarket 3
  • Supermarket 4
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One of the best materials you can use is Gatorboard. It's foam but with an exterior coating layer that makes it very stiff, takes paint easily and can be cut with sharp blades. When cut it doesn't fray which plain foam board may do. It will not warp because of the top layer. You can sometimes find at craft shops but you can order it at art supply stores like Dick Blick.


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