My Grandson Mason who will turn 4 next month will be receiving a Lionel starter set for his birthday. His favorite railroad is the NS and his favorite color is green. It just so happens that Lionel has a NS GP38 set with a green/black engine!
We are building a 4 X 8 table at his height and I would like to start with a fastrack layout that is not a circle of track that will get boring fast.
My thought is an over and under (using fastrack trestles) that can later have a couple of sidings added (when we save up for switch tracks).
Any suggestions or links to sample track plans would be greatly appreciated.
By the way, Mason at age 3 is my "assistant engineer" when he runs trains with me and can manage running 3 trains at once on my layout (sepatate loops) using my Legacy controller. When his mom asks him to pose for a picture, he says "Mom, I'm running three trains and I have to pay attention to what I am doing".
Thanks again in advance for any layout help!