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Good morning,

I'm looking for some advice on how best to utilize 12x5 space for tracks.  I have a couple of locomotives that run on o-72 curves and was wondering if going to o-60 curve or at the very minimum o-54 would have a negative effect on those engines in that space.  Any feedback would be appreciated. 



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That sounds nice but I'm not quite understanding what you mean. Do you mean a loop with n a loop? I'm kind of a novice when it comes to this.  When I had my Trains set up in the other place that I lived it wasn't elaborate,  it was just tracks going around the floor. I just kind of enjoyed running my trains.  I guess I'll figure something out. Thanks for trying to help me out I appreciate it.  

It seems to me the best one can do is O57 curves. That gives you a O42 oval inside a O57 oval with some cross over tracks. Whether its with switches or 45degree crosses or both . I believe thats the best one can do and that may limit you to the size of the engines you may buy in the future . Which could be a blessing in disguise knowing what some engines cost. Good luck and let us know what you do.

Can you run the layout around the walls of the room? With a lift out for the entrance. Depending upon the room size you might be able to squeeze larger curves into a track plan that runs along the walls. My Big Boy is rated for 072 minimum but looks silly on 072 in my opinion as the over hang is so pronounced.

Bluelinememories posted:

No since the width of the space this exactly 5'7".

Then, I don't believe anyone can guarantee that your engines for 072 will work on smaller diameter track. You can minimize one loop by using a combination of O72 to O60 and back out with O72 to make an ellipse or egg shape end. The O72 would act close to an easement track and reduce the quick change from straight to O60 a little.

That still doesn't mean it will work. You should get a few pieces and try it on the floor first.

Ahh, I guess you just have to build it. You already have the engines and the given of the 67" width limit.




Images (1)
  • O72_Easement
Last edited by Moonman

There seems to be two separate questions to consider. Can my engines, current and future, run on x-diameter curves and how will they look.

All of my semi-scale engines are rated for 27" or 31" yet I have mostly 42" and 54" curves with two quater circles of old Marx 34" curves on one mainline.

My junior Berk looks much better on 42" curves even though it's rated for 27". I beleven the same applies to the bigger scale engines. Just because they can handle, say, 54" curves doesn't mean they'll look good doing it.


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