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Can anybody out there help? I am in the process of wiring up a 2rail DC custom built double crossover? The crossover has 4  Tortise switch motors. I am having trouble  powering up the frogs. I am looking for a diagram. Im e mailed Circuitron for help but it is Sunday. I just can not get it right.



Original Post

Have you tried the 2rail scale forum. If not I would try there as they will have more expertiese. Since this is an electrical problem I will give it a shot. First I would treat each switch and the center crossover seperately. Next you need to find out if you have insulated frogs or not on all segments. If the frogs are insulated then wiring will be simpler if not then you will need to insulate the frog rails from the other rails and power them through the switches on the switch machines so the correct rail power is applied at the correct time. Since you only have 2 rails correct power connections will be your biggest problem. Check the manufactures web site, he may have a wiring diagram you can download.



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