If you drive on I-95 or any major interstate you've likely seen the newest trend in outdoor advertisng - large video billboards sans audio gracing the sides of major highways. Have you or anyone you know attempted to create one on your layout? Given the rectangular shape, size and thin profile of today's cellphones and their ability to show movies and still photos, have any of you kitbashed an old cellphone repurposing it as a video billboard? I suppose a similar project could be converting those large rooftop signs atop buildings into video signs too. If you've already done this, please share photos and let us know how simple or difficult a project it was.
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On my RR I have used a number of the photo/video slide picture frames modified to reflect animated billboards. you take the flash stick and copy advertising, videos etc to it and insert in the frame, its also a way to develop a Drive in movie screen as well. An example is what we used on my Gazette building. You can also take PVC pipe build a base run the cable up thru the pipe and have a more modern version of the video billboards seen across the country.
WOW!!! Very, very impressive, Don. It's hard to fathom the time and skill needed to make that building with so many intricately detailed interiors. Certainly not to minimize the kitbashed efforts posted by other people on this forum but IMHO yours definitely ranks among the all-time best.
Have you posted other videos of your layout on either youtube or similar sites? Would love seeing the. You're an inspiration tpo all modelers, Don!
Don. Fabulous building from the 1st floor to the rooftop! Thanks for sharing pictures. Terry
We are one of the proud advertisers on the Gazette Building's Donovision display. My CNY Railroad has a long-running billboard slide advertising the railroad. I can attest to how well exposure here has increased the railroad's bottom line.
Thanks again to Don, Mark, and Maria.
We are one of the proud advertisers on the Gazette Building's Donovision display. My CNY Railroad has a long-running billboard slide advertising the railroad. I can attest to how well exposure here has increased the railroad's bottom line.
Thanks again to Don, Mark, and Maria.
If nothing else it has increased the Homie population significantly thus increasing the "bottom" line as well.....