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This is a very old Korber 304 Roundhouse. There is a slot not pictured that allows the bent brass angle to swing.  The slot is covered with a piece of wood, holding the vertical piece of the brass angle in place.

Note the small pieces of strip wood that hold the hinges in place next to the edges of each door. 

A Newer 304 I carefully dremeled the three slots needed and then enough room on the back side for the T that was part of the door. 

From the Korber website.


Last edited by Mike CT

I think that PSC makes working brass hinges but a doll house shop might work as well.


You could drill and pin the 2 leaf sections to the door and frame to reinforce gluing.  Metal to wood I turn to my stand-by mix of Goo and CA.  Pins would literally be pins or brass wire trimmed close to flush with a Xuron sprue cutter.


Could also make strap hinges from brass flat stock and brass tubing.....and have working doors - nbw castings added to straps....


Check Micromark they sell miniature strap, butt and flush hinges, these hinges come with mounting nails, drill mounting holes with microdrills or attach hinges to door and door frame with Loctite Super Glue Gel Control the super glue is thick with spot applicator. 

Also mwb commented about a firm that sells doll house kits they would have these hinges, I would try Hobby Lobby.

Last edited by John Ochab

I find it amazing that with all the accessory parts that are available today that no one makes decent engine shed door hinges and handles. Grandt Line makes two sizes of plastic hinges - 300-3524 and 300-3553. The 3553 is the longer hinge.


I know that Harry over at Everything O scale makes a proprietary investment cast door hinge but I don't think he sells them. He only uses them on his models.

I recently had to build new engine shed doors and was faced with a similar problem - HINGES?? After some research, I ordered some Doll House Hinges from Olde Mountain Miniatures C.o and settled on their S112 hinge. It seemed to fit the era and shed design. They have lots of hinges to choose from that work well on O Scale projects.







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