Below are some photos of my pre-production, all tin plate, tin printed engine shed prototype.
It is a two track design and measure just over 24" in length. It has printed clear windows and interior lighting. I am currently exploring the possibility of adding an exterior shaded lamp above the front doors, which Ace Trains have very kindly said I can use if I wish.
Although the overall design is inspired by the engine sheds produced by Hornby some 80 years ago, it does incorporate some major differences. for instance, it has arched doors and four roof lights instead of chimney stacks. The brickwork is more detailed, having some subtle colour variations on each brick to give it a little more realism whilst still maintaining that "coarse scale" look so it sits alongside other Hornby (or other makes) buildings and accessories perfectly.
I have been developing this for about 30 months (on and off) and I am only now getting close to finalising the design which I am happy with. Although it is primarily made to sit on British model railway layouts, I am also considering making it with some uniquely American advertisements for use on American layouts, however I'm not too familiar with American locos and I would appreciate some feedback as to whether 24" is long enough (now now, no jokes!!!).