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I am using MIANNE benchwork for my  layout. I'm at the point in my layout build where I would like to mount a fascia board.  Of course I want to maintain the flexibility and versatility MIANNE presents whenever I need to move, change or modify the layout benchwork. So, nothing permanently attached. I've thought of bolts through some of  the precut holes, but I'm hoping someone has easier, or more clever, or more eloquent solutions.  I do intend to use  the fascia board to mount , LCS modules, switches controlling accessories and track switches, etc.  

Any and all suggestions welcome.   I've searched and it seems masonite is a popular material but I've not found any articles, YouTube videos, etc, specifically addressing my topic. I'm too old to be embarrassed if the solution is  simple and obvious and that's why no one has taken the time to post anything. 

Thanks for the help.

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I don't see anything wrong with what you are thinking about, adding the Masonite using the existing Mianne holes. I might use smaller fasteners in the holes so I could still add to the Mianne if the need arises as some point. I would use the thin (1/8" I think) Masonite. I Also have Mianne benchwork and I will try to describe what I have done, although it's different than what you are thinking about here.

I mounted my remote PSX-AC LEDs and reset buttons in the Mianne upper cross bracing. Used their holes and added some new ones. I made a small control panel for some switches (14 total, some are spares) for siding power and mounted that to the upper cross bracing as well. I used a small, thin piece of hobby metal I got at the hardware store for the panel itself. I used a couple of pieces of small hobby lumber to space the panel out away from the cross brace to allow for wiring the switches on the back side.

I have all my terminal strips, small accessory power supplies and other wiring mounted to the cross braces under the layout on small pieces of hobby lumber. I got the Mianne transformer cart for all the DCS & Legacy (TIU & base) and transformers and it sits (also rolls in and out) below a section on one end. I mounted all the switch controllers for my Atlas switches on the layout top near the switches they operate. Was going to use an AIU, but I think I have changed my mind now, after using things the way they are.

I don't have any LCS devices and probably won't have, but I do plan to expand the layout by adding more Mianne benchwork to the existing plan. I may still add an AIU or two? The mountings I described above started out to be temporary because of the planned expansion from the start, but they have worked pretty well and I may just keep things that way when I expand. They will most likely be relocated as the expansion will probably start about where they are located now.

Anyway, good luck with it all and keep us posted on what you end up doing, I am always interested in how others accomplish things. It's a good way to learn.


Thanks for the explanation. Did you use screws to secure  the items to the upper cross bracing?  I have 12 manual controllers for my fastrack switches that I  intend to mount. I've attached a pic.  Did you attach to the beam where the arrows indicate or the star? All the wiring you see exposed will be run under the top to the side once I settle on how to attach the switches.

Thanks for the help.Benchwork I-beam


Images (1)
  • Benchwork I-beam
Last edited by ToledoEd

Yes, I attached some things to the beams you indicated with the arrows. I got some craft wood (poplar) at Home Depot in a the thinnest they had which I think was 1/4" and a few different widths up to maybe 4" wide. Then I just cut pieces of that to fit the cross braces where your arrows are. The craft wood is very handy and easy for a lot of things like this, at least it is for me. The LED indicator lights are in the Mianne holes in the Masonite between the pieces you have indicated with the arrows.

I don't have any hard foam on my top, just 1/2" plywood and I fastened my switch operators to the plywood on the top side. I have been thinking about moving those to the cross braces (fascia) though, my grandson says he doesn't have room to run the cars (autos) along the sides with the switch operators in the way. That is where he runs the emergency vehicles  when there is an accident.

Some of the stuff under the layout is longer than the cross braces and hangs down some below the braces. It's still fastened where you have the arrows though. I will round up my camera and take some pics after dinner. I am not all that good at describing these things and the pics may help.

The Mianne cross braces are not that expensive so I figured if I goofed one up I would just replace it when I expand. I have already added several cross braces under the layout for shelving. I talked to Mainne about this when I ordered and they made extra holes in the legs for the extra cross braces for shelves to be added later, which I did. This is my first layout and a lot of this has been (and still is) experimental.

Ed, thanks for posting this topic.  I'm very interested in seeing what answers/solutions are provided by the people here on the Forum as I am considering using Mianne benchwork for my future layout build.  Just curious: have you contacted the folks at Mianne to ask them your question(s)?  I'm willing to bet they have been asked this before!

Last edited by CNJ #1601

Ok, here are the pictures I just took of what I have. It's still all a bit experimental, but might give you some ideas.

First one is the track power and yard lights.


This is just a temporary mounting as it will be moved when I expand. I will probably use more correctly sized brackets or something slightly different for the permanent install. Maybe enclose the ends as well.


This is where I used the existing holes for the PSX reset, then decided to add a main power switch and the LED's as an after thought. Sorry about the blurry picture, but you get the idea.


Here is some of the hobby wood from Home Depot. They are 1/4" thick and 1-1/2", 3-1/2" & 5-1/2" wide. It's all poplar wood, same as Mianne uses for their solid wood pieces.


This is what I used to mount the siding and light switches in the first picture. Same size, just an extra.


A couple of switch operators and un-coupler & operating track buttons. I will probably move all these to the fascia and mount them on the hobby wood.


More Switch operators that will be moving.


That's about it, hope it gives you some ideas. I also agree with the post above about calling Mianne to see what they suggest. I got some good tips from them when I ordered my benchwork, like the added holes for the shelves.

Good luck, and keep us posted on what you come up with.

Forgot to add that I am also sold on the Mianne benchwork. Great stuff and completely moveable and re-configurable for adding on or changing your layout. I would recommend it to anyone. Also very fast and easy to assemble.


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  • DSCF8815
  • DSCF8816
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  • DSCF8818
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  • DSCF8820
  • DSCF8821
Last edited by rtr12
Flyboy62 posted:

Here is what we did.  We used 8" poplar from HD.  We cut spacers to fill the void between the Miane cross pieces and the back of the fascia so that it would lay flat.  Dick

Flyboy, that looks great!  Could you expand a bit more on describing how/where you used spacers behind the fascia?  How did you cover the tops of the legs to make it look like one seamless piece of fascia?  As you look at the unfinished Mianne bench work, the tops of the legs really appear to protrude from the rest of the framework.


Thanks for the photos!  Very  helpful and for the info on the materials.  I'll be  heading to HD this weekend for sure.  By the way, I too bought the transformer cart. I added an additional I-beam at the bottom and added a lower shelf.  Very versatile and for  me a necessity. I'm very tight on space.  i agree 100% with you on MIANNE.

I'll post once I make some progress. by the way, the side  shot of the control panel was very  helpful for me. I have to do something similar but I have to keep the depth to a very, very minimum.  Well, off to 'bend metal and write code.". 

You are welcome, hope it helps. HD has a bunch of other sizes of the poplar hobby wood. Hobby Lobby and Michael's has hobby wood in possibly even more sizes, not sure it is poplar wood, might be basswood and balsa. I also added the lower shelf to the transformer cart, it was kind of hidden in the picture. The cart was an after thought as well, I had everything on the layout top and it was getting pretty crowded. The cart was perfect (and so is the Mianne).

I would like to angle the switch panel (maybe like 15 deg or something when I expand, but that will be a while. I have thought about the angle setup for the switch and accessory operators as well.

Thanks Guys, 

Ed, that is a very helpful shot.  Looks like you also generally agree with rtr12's method on switches, etc.  I think i am going with the transformer cart instead of the shelf.  

John, I still remember the pictures of the clamps you had with your project.  That is furniture grade fascia!  If you get bored and have figured out the layout for the shelf, please post that if it is not already.  those shelves intrigue me but not sure what I would use them for (trolley line?)

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