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I recently took delivery of a Korber kit "Action Machinery" #901


While a nice kit [not currently being produced by the current owner], structually I find it odd that the roof line is way lower [like a scale 2 ft lower] than the end cornaces.  I would like to extend the side walls with a 1"[scale 2'] brick front to raise the inside ceiling to 12' scale height. Does anyone have suggestions on matching the Korber brick material?


also questions for the interior of this kit:

  • how would the interior beams bemade of - solid I beams or truss type to support the roof or wood?
  • would there be a basement for the boiler/heating unit?
Last edited by prrhorseshoecurve
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You can raise the side walls 1/2 inch with a 1/2 x 1/4 inch piece of Evergreen styrene painted a concrete color. However, cornices are designed to be higher than the roof. This was a common architectural motif designed to create the illusion of a more massive structure. 


I have two Korber buildings that that have cornices that extend 1/2 inch or 2 scale feet above the roof line. One structure has 10 scale foot high ceilings and the other has 12 scale foot high ceilings. These both look fine without raising the side walls.



Last edited by DennisB



Dennis has some great suggestions to raising the side walls.  


One other approach is to make a slightly different roof, one that is more pitched using sheet mat board or polystyrene.  We have had several customer do this for a different look.  In this case the peak of the roof is closer to the top of the end panels, and slopes down to the sides, reducing the amount of visible end panel above the roof line.


This can give you a more unique look.

Because of the Korber roof design, I always assumed it should have a peak as Rich suggested. Although the kits feature a solid roof, you can simply run your hobby knife down the center seam without cutting all the way through. Then simply fold the roof into the desired slant and add some internal bracing.

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