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A beautifully wet summer Saturday here in the Northeast got my son and I back in the basement today.  Here is some of what we did.


Some critters gnawed the end of an extension cord outside.  Waste not want not...  Cut out the ends and the affected area and used two of the three wires to power my buildings and accessories.  I'm using it like a bus and taping the buildings into it with terminal strips.  We added some street lights too.


Darn... Forgot to remove those two trees from the top of the hardware store before taking the picture.








Next we set up our row townhouses.  We powered those the same way.  They do not come with bases and a sidewalk.  Last time I was in Lowes they had some tile back splash squares on clearance.  I bought a 12x12 square for $5.  It has 144 tiles on it.  We thought they would make a great sidewalk.  My son glued every one in place and then wanted to create little front yards.  It was his idea to have one with long overgrown grass.  He wants to make a for sale sign for that property as if it has been vacant for some time.








We had a great day.  Here's hoping for more rain again soon!!!





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Last edited by Ron045
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A little update today...  We found some picket fence in our "junk" box.  I must have bought it some time ago and forgotten about it.  We made a shrub out of foam and dyed sawdust.  Lastly the townhouse with the long grass was finally sold and the proud new owners are outside with the Realtor.  We made the sign from match sticks and printed the sign on our printer.








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   What track are you running your Street Car on, and is it a P2 Street Car?  I like the looks of how you have your street Car set up in your layout.  I finally got my P2 Street Car to add to my layout, will add it to the layout this Christmas and I really like your set up.  Some advise on how you did it, would be very welcome!




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Last edited by Pine Creek Railroad


   I thought it looked like a P2 Street Car, now the N scale foam roadbed, where did you purchase it?  Can I order it from where ever you got it, and can it be trimmed to fit my O Gauge FasTrack, like you did for your ScaleTrax?  Are the foam sheets from the Dollar Store for your roads already colored black, or did you color it somehow?


Last edited by Pine Creek Railroad

Hi Dave,


The N Scale foam roadbed I purchased from a local shop.  But this is the brand (Link below).  Pretty common and you WILL NOT have to trim.  When you tear it in half (it's meant to do that), it fits perfectly between the center and outside rail.  Put the side with the 45 degree angle on the outside to make room for the wheel flange.



Here is a grade crossing we did using the same method.  We did not even glue it because it fit so perfect.DSC02300 DSC02301


You can buy the dollar store foam in white or black covered paper.  We pulled the paper off to paint it.  My son likes freshly paved roads (Home Depot Space Black) where as I like roads that are worn (Whatever grey paint I have).  Here are two others I did.






You see my mistake below, I dry brushed my road grime before I lined my road.  So you can see were the road turns, it appears everyone takes that curve too sharply.





I hope this stuff helps.  I can't take credit for any of it.  Everything I learned, I learned from others on this forum.







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Originally Posted by Ron045:


Darn... Forgot to remove those two trees from the top of the hardware store before taking the picture.





Now my second-look opinion on that photo is that those trees are in the field behind the hardware store!  Most mature trees tend to tower above the buildings they surround.


Some 'spin' now and then is credible.


Rainy Days = Train Days






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