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Well railroaders, I have been planning a new layout with my father for some time, and after doing much need renovation the basement is nearly ready. We had a plan drawn up, and even purchased track accordingly, but it fell apart due to space restrictions and concern over clearance between a Lionel Mohawk and ES44. This is my new plan and while rather plain the simplicity works for me. The spaces on either end left open are for Dept. 56 cities. Any thoughts or input are appreciated!

The top and left and right bounds are due to the layout of the walls in the basement. The left bottom is the only side with area to expand down the road.

I appreciate any comments, concerns or constructive criticism!


Last edited by Phoenixx101
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Indeed, I have all the gargraves track I could need. I also plan on using Ross switches which I should have all I need. I know the sidings leave something to be desired. My last layout was a christmas seasonal, basically just two loops. I really want sidings to be able to display some more cars and have room to move things around. I will add uncouplers where useful once the plan is finalized.

The clearances are my biggest problem because I  know the mohawk and ES44 I plan to run both overhang decently on 0-54.

The inner loop2loop doesn't work for reversing loops. Once a train is going clockwise, there's no way to reverse without backing through a loop. The track between the 2 switches has to connect the switches in order for reversing to take place on both ends. I've attached a revision, but it requires more cuts. I think this design might be better suited to Atlas which has small fitters, half-curves, etc., but if you're willing to cut track to fit, go for it.

Also, from what I've read, double-slip switches are nice to look at, but not worth the money and can be troublesome. Problem is, I couldn't find a switch combination to replace it given the desire for dual mains on the angle you have them and the curves you're using.

Layout 2016 Revision 23



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  • Layout 2016 Revision 23
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Last edited by DoubleDAZ

Here's an idea. The tracks more uniformly parallel and concentric for a multi-track mainline appearance. Curved turnouts and S-curves are eliminated. Minimum radius is still O54. The inner circuit can be run without putting down the entryway bridge. Trains can reverse from either direction. The original baseboard outline is unchanged so it can be compared to the previous footprint.



Images (1)
  • Layout-2016-Revision-123a
Files (1)

Daz, I hadn't realized the way I setup the right side loop wouldn't allow for reversing. Thanks for catching that! Ace I truly wish I could have a layout with that many storage terminals, however this is a shared layout with my father, he has a fair sized collection of Dept. 56 buildings which have to be incorporated. The two open areas give him the room he needs to setup up a small city and on the right side a mountain village. I will continue to modify things to move to numbered switches as opposed to curves to see how it will work out.

I thank you both for these suggestions, it has given me a lot to think about. I suspect I will post another plan tomorrow evening after work, I look forward to your input on the next step in my layout design! 

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