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For something different I set up some weaver container flats and ran some late 60's trains.

I removed the crane from the Team tracks and replaced it with a container crane that I haven't painted yet.

So I could run a container train from the main yard to the team tracks.

No paperwork just a good time by myself.







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Originally Posted by Roo:

For something different I set up some weaver container flats and ran some late 60's trains.

I removed the crane from the Team tracks and replaced it with a container crane that I haven't painted yet.

So I could run a container train from the main yard to the team tracks.

No paperwork just a good time by myself.







FANTASTIC job,as always! Thanks so much for the pictures,they're ALWAYS  an inspiration & just plain enjoyable.


This "pup" you're chatting with has planned his yard,at least 4 times now & just when I'm convinced it's finally right,I change my mind again! The plan is to have 2 mainlines,1 which will terminate at the curved end of the yard ends,so either can be used as a passing track. The main nearest the yard tracks,is where the yard tracks will branch from. My distance is 46ft in length & roughly 23 inches of open space between upright supports. I started out double ending each yard track then decided t use 1 maintrack as my yard lead,with half the yard tacks being constructed in a righthand direction,which I call the "West Yard, the other half headed in the opposite direction,thus being named the,"East Yard." The tracks are 3 in number in each yard & the shortest will hold 13 Atlas 4750 grain hoppers,the others,about the same,possibly the longest holding 1 more car. My switches are Atlas #5 brand& butt up against each other,the east & west yard main entry switches. If I double ended the yard tracks allowing entry from either end,this would greatly shorten the yard space,but would also facilitate industry flats on the track nearest the wall,which is desirable. so I guess it's back to the drawing board. I have 2 left & 1 right useable turnouts & 2 non useable all that I use for planning. With the double ended yard design,a few more tracks could be again created to use in yard storage,they'll be shorter & the drawback here will be the additional use of more turnouts which I like from the angle I have more switching opportunities, but then there's the additional cost. Oh well.planning is enjoyable,at times frustrating but still exciting,been doing it in HO for 30+ years.


Take care&again,thank you for the inspiring photos.

Al Hummel 

Originally Posted by DaveJfr0:

Looks really cool, especially the crane.  You make that yourself? 


Speaking of containers...would anyone be interested if a manufacturer produced Flexi-Van cars? Pre-TOFC. Ran from about 1957 or so into the 70's. Predominantly NYC-based, but there was a dash of about another 6 or so roads that had them.



Jeff C

I threw out a lot of mags last year and I know I kept that issue with the container crane in it.

The good thing I remember about the crane plan is it was in full size measurements not HO.

So it was easy to follow.

Just had a thought on the cover might have been some trailer train cars I'll have a look for it.


The IH containers I am only guessing I reckon Weaver made a batch for the firm for giveaways I could be wrong usually I am!

I found it on eBay this year nobody wanted it so it could be fantasy I like it.

Thanks everbody.


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