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Just thinking.  I have just this evening ran passenger trains with the room lights turned off and spotted all the lights on in the sleeping compartments.

Is there someway to individually control off and on of the individual compartment lights with the train moving?  I run DC conventional, AC conventional and battery RC.

People do not all go to sleep and turn off the lights all at the same time.  Just a neat feature if possible??

It actually looks kind of Stepford to have all the sleeping compartment lights on all the time.

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Well, the analog solution is to open up the car and black out a smattering of windows. Easy, low tech, but not dynamic.

If you are really inclined, I imagine one could take a transparent LCD (not LED) strip and run it along the windows and hook it up to an Audrino or similar and dynamically black out windows.

I also imagine one could build a styrene or some other grid of light boxes with individual lights controlled by an Audrino or similar.

Can't say I have seen the later two carried out, but the theory seems sound.

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