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I was on the website for Wago Levernut Connectors and I see how you insert the wire(s) but my question is so every connector in a group is not insulated from the other...correct?


P.S. I saw a DIY video on YouTube and I see the connector is for attaching like wires together. 


Followup...I meant the video shows connecting all the red wires to the same connector.

Last edited by Charlesp34

I am in agreement with David and gunrunnerjohn regarding the use of wire stripper. I use this model from Radio Shack I use the stripper to spread the insulation on one wire and then use it to strip about 1.5 inches of the end of the other and then wrap the loose wire crisscross style. Some electrician tape and I am done. All of my connections have been perfect (so far). I do it this way as these connections are under my table and the wiring is at my eye level when sitting. I know that I have more than 100 connections like this so far and still counting.


I have been using Liquid Tape for many years.  It is great for repairing wires and cables, especially flat ribbon cables that get scuffed.

I find it can be a bit messy, especially when working overhead.  I use multiple thin coats to avoid dripping.

When you are adding taps, stagger the two tap wires slightly along the length of the buses so that even if the two buses were to touch, there would be no direct contact of the taps.

Originally Posted by gunrunnerjohn:

You can also put the liquid tape on and then use tape over it to keep it neat.  I also use Liquid Tape with heatshrink to make waterproof connections.

I use a butt connector, heat shrink and GE silicone . Make your wire connections slide your heat shrink in place and squirt the silicone in the ends . Shrink it down and the silicone will squirt back out. Water will never get in that one.


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