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While still in the pre-construction phase if my trainroom, I have been considering backdrops; which folks recommend installing prior to the bench work. I want to use my photo collection using an early to mid autumn scene. This got me to thinking about seasonal, interchangeable, backdrops. I will have access around the walls. Has a anyone done this and, if so, how were they hung so that it’s an easy changeout. Thank you,



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My first thought would be something like shower curtains, or simply nails on the wall to hang them on.

The surface would have to be flexible so keeping paint from coming off might be a problem, but you might ask someone with movie  or stage set backdrop experience how they do it on light weight canvas.  Maybe at a nearby high school or college arts department.



Good luck.

When I built my last permanent layout, an 8' x 8' with 027 curves and a steep incline coming out of one of those curves to another curve at the top my locos needed most if not all the voltage my 90 watt transformer would put to the tracks in order to make it through the upper curve.  Fearing the possible result of the centrifugal force I had my wife paint some scenery on foam as a backdrop.  I mounted the foam to masonite that bolted to the edge of the benchwork.  Foam for cushioning, masonite for rigidity, and bolt to make it removable for access if required.

Similar bolt on panel with different scenes could be your answer.

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