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This looks pretty interesting. I see That the top panel is hinged on, Are the levers connected to any type of switch?

The two circuit boards that hang down look like they have terminal blocks?

If this is correct, did you buzz out the switches to the terminal blocks?

If you have 12 switches on your layout you could control from here. Just make a new drawing of your layout and insert it under the plexiglass. Looks like fun.







Good Morning to one and all.  This Interlocking Machine is quite an invention in its own right.  I've never owned one.  But I found it just by chance and thought I would let all of you rail artisans know about it.


Go to their Website:


in order that all of your questions can be answered !  What I did find amazing is the fact that the machine you might purchase for your layout can be provided in a size up to SIXTY (60) Levers...  That would be quite an Interlocker for your home layout, NO ?



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