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I have the first run Premier MTH PRR EMD F3 A-B-A set. It hardly has any miles on it. Since the new Ps3 F3's are now only sold as A-B sets [probably to keep costs down]

Now mind you NO mass produced [Lionel & MTH] has ever been done correctly for the PRR models. They are close with the Trainphone Antennas but the PRR never had the big number boards on their F3's. They used the OEM Number Class light/Marker light combo. and the Location of the Rear Headlight and markerlights will either be non existant or "cookie cutter" at best.

Third Rail's will be priced to nearly Two Grand for their A-B-A set and even so their Rear Headlight and marker lights will either be non existant or "cookie cutter" at best. 

With the PRice of Ps1's so low, I am considering Gutting and updating the electronics and superdetailing the shells while the superdetailed parts are still in existance. For someone to swap out the electronics alone, is it worth it? Can the Dummy A slave board be used?

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I don't go into all the detailing you do but I still say yes it would be worth it. I do ERR to some of mine as I look at it like this. If it's an engine I like why go spend $400 - $500 when I can do what I want for a little over $200. I want to get a 4-6-6-4 or 4-8-8-4 or something like that. I can't even start to afford one but if I can pick up a used PS1 for ( I have had a chance but didn't have the $ to spare at the moment ) From $250 - $400 I will jump on it if the $ are there and convert it to TMCC with cruise and sound . 

So Yes definitely it is worth doing it!

Last edited by rtraincollector


The P1 engines were really a conventional type engine, with some added sound. I sold all of mine when P2 1st hit the market.  They can now be upgraded however, and yes IMO if you are going to keep the P1 engine have GGG or Guns upgrade it.  Definitely install a BCR for best running results and to eliminate low battery problems, especially if you do not plan to upgrade.

Hope this helps a little.


Last edited by Pine Creek Railroad
Pine Creek Railroad posted:


The P1 engines were really a conventional type engine, with some added sound. I sold all of mine when P2 1st hit the market.  They can now be upgraded however, and yes IMO if you are going to keep the P1 engine have GGG or Guns upgrade it.  Definitely install a BCR for best running results and to eliminate low battery problems, especially if you do not plan to upgrade.

Hope this helps a little.


Dave if I upgraded I would install TMCC from ERR as Thats the control system I presently have. But for time being if I win one I will just put a battery in it to insure all is fine. By the way if it has a BCR in it do I just turn it on and let it sit . And if so for how long?

To join in the fun here, I bought an MTH premier PRR decapod years ago that had some lurching problems and a constant squeak.  I eventually had ERR installed and the magnet/reed switch chuff added to a tender wheel and it's a sweet runner instead of a shelfie.  I also had an ERR upgrade for a PRR consolidation that had servere lurching problems. Then I made the chuff modification. Thanks to GGG I finally got my K-Line B6 upgraded to get the speed perfect for switching.  

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