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Never been able to figure that one out for patterns such as slate. For metal pattern roofs or siding I cut a thin strip of the pattern and lay it over the seam - see photo


If possible perhaps break up the roof pattern by covering the seam with (not sure of the correct term) 'hips'?? - see attached picture.


Hopper Car Shed with lights



Schomberg Feed and Seed Mill 004


Images (2)
  • Hopper Car Shed with lights
  • Schomberg Feed and Seed Mill 004
Last edited by Joe Fauty
Originally Posted by Bob Delbridge:

I use MEK (Methylethylketone)(sp?) or you could use any of the solvents like Tenax 7R that melt the plastic together.  I would also use a "backer", a strip of styrene on the backside to strengthen the joints, doesn't have to be thick.

This is how I did it with the roof of my cathedral, etc., where one piece just would not be big enough.  The seams become hard to see, but if you look hard enough with the eye close enough, they are there.  Primed and painted, the seams are difficult to see though.

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