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Early production Sunset Third Rail PRR steam locomotives were imported with fewer small details than later ones.  In the case of the Q2 this included omission of builder's plates on the smokebox sides.


  As a historical note all PRR steam locomotives built in the 20th century carried a pair of oval builders plates on the side of the smoke box. The PRR specified a standard oval size and shape regardless of builder. On most roads Baldwin builder's plates were round, ALCo plates rectangular, and Lima plates diamond shaped. Until recently O scalers could purchase Q2 plate sets from the Schuylkill Division.  Products included a  line of photo etched brass PRR number (keystone and round), builders', trust, and tender plates for virtually all classes of PRR steam power. In addition to a selection of pre-numbered number plates, one could also purchase blank plates along with photo etched digits for custom numbering.  Due to declining health of the owner the product line was recently sold.  Hopefully it will be made available again it in the coming year.


Ed Rappe

Last edited by Keystoned Ed

Ed has the right idea.  Sunset has to stop somewhere, or these models would cost what the more expensive models cost - about $3500 for something like a Q2.


One can always find a missing detail on a model and ask the same question - my question on this particular model was " How could they possibly have produced such an accurate, well-detailed model as this for this price?"  

To add to Bob's comment.  The Sunset Q2 is a very good runner and in at least one respect a more accurate model than the highly regarded Westside/KTM Q2.  Sunset got the tender length right while the long distance tenders on KTM built PRR O scale models (Q2, J1, M1a, I1sa) were approximately 2 scale too short.  

   For Pennsy fans seeking to improve the model's prototype fidelity consider painting the cab roof dark green (Dark Green Locomotive Enamel on PRR documents).  As a historical note PRR J1, Q1, Q2, S1, S2, and T1  locomotives didn't carry red roof cabs. This practice probably started as a wartime efficiency measure and continued as a general practice when older PRR power was shopped in the postwar era.  I used Scalecoat I Brunswick Green to repaint my Q2 roof.

Originally Posted by jaygee:

You might still be able to get some photo etches plates from Doug Jones at sckulkyl shops [sic]  He makes complete sets for most PRR steamers in O and HO scales.  The sets are quite complete with tender data plates and engine plates as well.

you happend to have his webpage address or email address?..Im happy how my Q2 runs smooth..did ditch out that sluth smoke unit...put in one of my mod mth smoke units..going to add fire box light and cab..all will be leds.

Last edited by joseywales
Originally Posted by Hot Water:
Originally Posted by pennsyk4:

One of my 3RD RAIL Q2's has a number plate. The other one does not.

I thought he was inquiring about a BUILDER PLATE?


Here is a dumb question; not being a SPF, did the REAL Q2 locomotives have "builder plates"? Prototype photos should help, right?

My error, meant to type builder plate.


One Q2 has a builder plate, looks like it was left off the other. No indication of ever being applied.

Doug Jones never had a website, you needed to use a telephone, mail or e-mail to reach him.  He has not been in good health for quite a while.  You guys all missed this part of Keystoned Ed's post above:


Until recently O scalers could purchase Q2 plate sets from the Schuylkill Division.  Products included a  line of photo etched brass PRR number (keystone and round), builders', trust, and tender plates for virtually all classes of PRR steam power. In addition to a selection of pre-numbered number plates, one could also purchase blank plates along with photo etched digits for custom numbering.  Due to declining health of the owner the product line was recently sold.  Hopefully it will be made available again it in the coming year.

Originally Posted by Bob:

Doug Jones never had a website, you needed to use a telephone, mail or e-mail to reach him.  He has not been in good health for quite a while.  You guys all missed this part of Keystoned Ed's post above:


Until recently O scalers could purchase Q2 plate sets from the Schuylkill Division.  Products included a  line of photo etched brass PRR number (keystone and round), builders', trust, and tender plates for virtually all classes of PRR steam power. In addition to a selection of pre-numbered number plates, one could also purchase blank plates along with photo etched digits for custom numbering.  Due to declining health of the owner the product line was recently sold.  Hopefully it will be made available again it in the coming year.

dam...sorry to hear that...well hotwater ,our buddy pennsyk4 just posted a pic of a Q2 and I do see oval builders plate....bli for ho has builders plate and a plate under the cab windows..even sunset ho's has when they ask 1200-1300 for a train at least add the builders plates too...wished id keeped my bli q2..this Q2 was my replacement in a large scale....

Last edited by joseywales

The Schuylkill Division sale has been made.  The art work and existing inventory  transfer is being arranged and should happen soon.  I do not know if there are any Q2 plate sets in stock.  One of the first steps the new owner will have to proceed with is to catalog the existing inventory and arrange with a photo etching firm for a run of sheets covering PRR classes in short supply (there are a large number of plate sets on each master sheet).


 I'm betting the product line will be reinvigorated in due course as the new owner is a rabid PRR O scaler wants to recoup his investment.  To respect the owner's privacy I won't disclose any contact info without his ok - but will share it when he's ready.  I'd bet we'll see Schuylkill plates for sale at the May PRRT&HS convention.


Ed Rappe



Last edited by Keystoned Ed
Originally Posted by Keystoned Ed:

The Schuylkill Division sale has been made.  The art work and existing inventory  transfer is being arranged and should happen soon.  I do not know if there are any Q2 plate sets in stock.  One of the first steps the new owner will have to proceed with is to catalog the existing inventory and arrange with a photo etching firm for a run of sheets covering PRR classes in short supply (there are a large number of plate sets on each master sheet).


 I'm betting the product line will be reinvigorated in due course as the new owner is a rabid PRR O scaler wants to recoup his investment.  To respect the owner's privacy I won't disclose any contact info without his ok - but will share it when he's ready.  I'd bet we'll see Schuylkill plates for sale at the May PRRT&HS convention.


Ed Rappe



please let us know.when he's ready..been doing some mods to mine..

Last edited by joseywales
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