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I recently purchased the K line Milw Rd F7 AA. When i try to run it, as soon as power is applied to the track it trips the breaker after about 5-10 sec.. I opened it up and it looks like the 150 Ohm resistors might be fried on the DCRU (see picture). It's difficult to get a good pic, but, the brown discoloration goes down the side as well as on the top on the right side resistor and just slightly browned on the top of the left resistor. Since I bought this used, I have no idea of what would have caused the resistor(s) to fry. Should I just replace the resistors or should I try to source another DCRU (MDK-090 Rev D, Ver 4)? I am worried that there may be other problems with this DCRU and my thought was to replace it, however, it appears that these boards are not readily available. If anyone has one these and wouldn't mind parting with it, please contact through my email or ph#. Also, does any one know of a good place to get a 150 Ohm, 3W, 5% resistors? I am hoping to find the same resistors as shown in the picture. Any other suggestions on what the problem might be, please let me know.




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Yes it was, it's unfortunate that the seller neglected to mention that it didn't run in his listing. I suppose that's the risk you take buying on eBay. I've been looking for a Milw Rd FP7 for a very long time so I took the chance on this one. It didn't work out well.

I was thinking the same about the cruise M as a replacement. I'm going to try the resistor replacement first and see how that goes. I think I found the cause of the short, on the umbilical there were 2 wires that had been wrapped with tape, the insulation on both wires appeared to have melted, possibly from the wires chaffing on the frame and making contact with the frame. I'm still looking at all the other wires and boards to see if there is any other areas that might be a problem. I plan to test all wires for continuity before I reassemble and check for any other chaffing.  I'm hoping the mother board has not been damaged. if it is, this may become a very expensive purchase!


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