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Is there a DCS setting somewhere that disables the directional controlled head/tail lights and just sets them to 'always on'?

I ask because my Railking SW-8 switcher with PS-3 doesn't have cab lights and the only lighting on the unit is the one headlight and one taillight. I'd like to be able to have a lighted cab interior if possible, so as far as I see my options are to either wire-in led cab lights to the PS-3 board's empty cab light slot (sounds difficult and I'm nervous about doing it), or use the already existing tail light for providing illumination in the cab.

When on, the tail light provides a decent amount of light to the entire can interior, so it would certainly be a suitable alternative. The problem with this, of course, is that the tail light is only on when the engine is in reverse. Which brings me back to my initial question.

If it's not possible, I suppose I'll have to go the route of wiring in new lights.

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I suspect you could just tap into the cab light pin on the PS/3 board and wire in a proper cab light with an LED.  That way the cab light would be on when stopped and turn off when moving, just like you'd expect it to do in real life.

That's a decent chance they're even a Molex connector for the cab light inside...

Click on image to enlarge

PS 3.0 Diesel Upgrade Kit Wiring Diagram


Images (1)
  • PS 3.0 Diesel Upgrade Kit Wiring Diagram
Last edited by gunrunnerjohn

Thanks for all the replies so far!

I suspect you could just tap into the cab light pin on the PS/3 board and wire in a proper cab light with an LED.  That way the cab light would be on when stopped and turn off when moving, just like you'd expect it to do in real life.

That's a decent chance they're even a Molex connector for the cab light inside...

Click on image to enlarge

PS 3.0 Diesel Upgrade Kit Wiring Diagram

I thought about that at first, but I was a bit nervous about tinkering with the wires on the board. I'm mot sure how fragile the connections are and I don't want to ruin this brand new board.

Does the 40 pin bar come out fairly easily?

Standard white 20ma LED, most of the lights are 3mm LED.  As for the connector, the pins are Chyao Shiunn JS-1253-T,JS-1253-TG.  However, unless you have the correct crimp tool, trying to use them will be an exercise in futility!  Best bet is to find someone that has installed the PS/3 diesel upgrade kit and get the connector with pins from them.  Many of us routinely take all the extra unused connectors off the harness before installing the kit.  If you don't, you have a massive tangle of tiny wires to deal with.  Removing all the unused feature connectors makes the install go much smoother.

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