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I posted this on the main forum, but got no response, so I will try here.  This may be the more appropriate forum anyway.


This post-war accessory's static road sign appears to me to be a bit "boring".  So, I got the idea to remove it and install a 154 highway signal.  With both the operating figure and signals it might be an eye-catcher.  With the static sign removed, there appears to be enough space to place it.


Anyone done this?  Any thoughts on difficulty/unforeseen gotchas, etc.?  To access the innards requires bending a few metal tabs.  No screws are used.



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Marty, you asked for it, so here it is.  I've enclosed both a lighted pic as well as unlighted.  The lighted pic did not take a good image of the lights.  They are washed out.  The lights are leds, but clear.  I painted them red, but the color was rather mottled.  I also put an led (painted) that is located underneath the flagman's lantern.  My picture does not show that at all, perhaps because I took the picture in bright light.  I will eventually get some red leds for the lights.  Notice I did not use the Lionel #154 signal.  Not only did it look way too over sized, the base hung over the platform.  I just happened to have an American Flyer # 760 highway signal which fit perfectly on the platform.  At the moment, the operation only lights the bulbs continuously since I don't know what's involved to make the bulbs flash alternating.  I'm using Gargraves track and the accessory is wired to an insulated track section.  I will look into some of the modern accessory controllers to see if that can work.  This is on my Christmas layout where real estate is at a premium.




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IMG_1828 MOD


Images (2)
  • IMG_1826
  • IMG_1828 MOD
Last edited by BILL HUDSON
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