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To begin, thanks and a tip o' the hat to Dennis Brennan for the idea and inspiration.

I still have some tweaking on this to do, but it's about 95% complete. The main structure is an Atlas engine house with Ameritown cornices on either end. The smokestack is from an old Heljan brewery kit.  I used strip styrene to for the foundation and trim. The roof is a piece of  foamcore that is (theoretically) removeable. I had originally intended to illuminate the building, but there are too many light leaks, although I may add some exterior lights. I will need to alter a spur leading to the power house to accommodate a coal ramp.

All in all, it was a fun build and I'm pretty satisfied. PH 1PH2PH3


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Thanks, Tom. I hope you have as much fun building it as I did. Please let me know if you have any questions.

My only regret is that I don't recall what color I used on the engine house (or how I weathered it) when I initially put it together oh-so-many years ago. I suspect it was some sort of rattle can primer and a gray acrylic wash. I need to paint and weather the chimney that same color - or something close to it.


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