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Originally Posted by coach joe:



Can the frame be shortened?  It's clear from your photos that the first two stories are separate.  Do the remaing stories above also come in two story increments?



Hi Joe,


There's a total of three separate stories,IMO you can shorten the structure. There's a finish crown molding that belongs at the top, but you can put it on any story you like to finish the top off. You will have to cut the frame to the size you prefer.




Originally Posted by Alex M:

Hi Jerrman,


I just built one for a fellow forum member.If you need anymore info just let me know.


Here's the Link





great link Alex. thank you. it looks like there are three discreet sections. are the middle and top about the same size? could I just attach the top section to the bottom section, leaving out the middle one and get a somewhat shorter structure? Any rough idea of how tall the building would be if i leave out the middle section? I assume i would have to cut the frame to the proper size. is that difficult? I'm tring to avoid cutting the main facade material as I don't work with power tools. thanks, again. 



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