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Sometime back one of you asked about a rundown house for out in the country.  I recommended a Marx L-shaped ranch house and then I couldn't find the one I had with a missing wall.  I founs most of the accessories and one section of roof, but have no idea where the rest is.  I finally got to where it bugged me half out of my mind (the other half has been gone for years) and found one, now marked K-Line instead of Marx, and totally complete.  It came today from a man on Ocala, Florida.  The colors aren't as I recalled them but the rest is intact.

NOW I can make the run down ranch house I had envisioned originally.

The original box also has pictures of a bunch other buildings I may try to find now, too: service station, barn and chicken coop, colonial house, police and fire stations, and a school and playground.  All are different than any Plasticville, and others of the same ilk, even a suburban train station that has many of the same "family' characteristics of the Plasticville suburban station, but with different details and floor layout.

It may be a bit early in the season but Santa Clause lives!   

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