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 A friend of mine is working with lashups on his DCS layout. One of the engines smoke wouldn’t shut off when in the lashup and the smoke off button was selected. He then tried to do an engine feature reset in lashup mode and the hand held would not let him confirm the command. I’ve been trying to tell him that I don’t think you can do a engine feature reset in lashup mode. His question then was what to do about the smoke. I told him I thought he should go to each individual engine, not lashup mode, and then do a feature reset on each engine and then go back to lashup mode.  Thoughts?

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I am only running 4.x release of DCS; however, when you create a lashup (MU) the individual engines go into the inactive area.  You can bring the individual engines into the active area and modify individual settings of the MU'ed engines.  Then go back to the MU and elect to save the configuration.  If you are lucky they will be saved and present on the MU startup.  If you can get them in sync, then when you turn the MU smoke on or off all the engines should respond appropriately.

When I get an engine that the smoke is stuck on in a consist, it has been that the engine also was not responding overall to commands in that condition. There have been various reasons and times this has happened. The consist may have started out OK and then this issue popped up. Usually it started as soon as the consist (lash-up) was created.

 A cure that sometimes works if it's the culprit, is from a near dead battery in a PS2 engine.

 I would recommend you charge fully any PS2 batteries. You check signal strength in any area of your layout that engines act up. You work to remove any power dips in those areas.

I would swear in my mind, that it has also happened from certain DCS versions that had bugs. All I can state is that I'm happy with the latest version overall and it seems to work well for me.

 If it continually happens you might try confining consists to either all PS2 or all PS3 engines and see if that helps. I had that issue with a release of DCS. I'm thinking it was a 5.x but I forget which version exactly.

Last edited by Engineer-Joe

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