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I will respond tonight @Dave Koehler  

That all of my buildings on my layout are representing businesses from my hometown, downtown Olive Hill.

Each one is either named after a friend or relative of my father.  The buildings not always resemble the original but I feel it’s it’s fun to continue their legacy of each with their name displayed on the brick facade.

Nostalgic 😊


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Yeah!  I don't even know  when I started doing it.  But I have  a building named after  a Late  Friends  Beatyer meat processing plant. (I have a rural small  town version 1880's and a larger 1910's  Beatyer Meat Freezer plant .  Donna's Dinner,  DF Koehler Printing, Leo Glick Trucking. Hamann Bro's logging and Mill. G Kohlers Machine Shop and Repair. Trinko's Gas and Auto Repair, Robbin camp #4  Robbin RR and Lumber CO.  and My great grandfathers farm and my uncle Martins log barn.  the area goes from Milwaukee , Wausau, Merrill  Wien, ,Tomahawk,  and Starks.  Im going to need one big layout!


This is Haag;s Taproom named for my good friend Bill Haag whose mother-in -law ran a bar in Schenectady and I was FORCED to drink beer there. A Downtown Deco kit assembled and decorated by Stu Gralnik

hoff milk

The Hoffmann Creamery named for my good friends the Hoffmann Brothers, great neighbors and farmers, I can't remember the manufacturer of this kit but it was assembled and decorated by Master Builder Stu Gralnik


Kreczko Meat Packing named for my good friend Dave Kreczko who is always dabling in making Kielbasa and sausage. This is a Korber Pickle Factory

And finally, The Rubilotta Mattress Works named for my good friend Andy Rubilotta who was National

Sales Manager for Seely Bedding. This is a renamed Korber Shoe Factory



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@Avanti posted:

"Acahela National Forest" is named after my childhood Scout Camp:

Small world! I attended that camp too! Great times!

@Bob Golfs posted:

@Avanti Camp Acahela at Blakeslee, PA — Pete, that was really a cool place and truly a learning center.  Really neat that you chose that name for your layout!

I completely agree! I haven’t been there in nearly 20 years.

This  goes out to the more creative members both in 2 rail and in 3rail, how many of you name the various businesses  on you layout, after family, friends or just businesses  you knew from the past?

Not a business. but a steamer, Sally the Yard Goat, named after a late beloved family pet, Sally, a female German Shepherd Beagle mix.

Most of my layout buildings are named after family members, places I have lived or been too. All my buildings are scratch built and my layout represents a good part of my life. Every time I run my Railroad it reminds me of someone or something from my life.

Ncolumbus day 011

Northport Sweet Shop, because that's where We lived. Maag Bank because that's my family name.

DSC00065Baby Ruth factory for my Wife Ruth.

IMG_0693Alexis Theater for my Granddaughter.

IMG_0982Schrimpe Produce for my wife's family name, they owned a farm on Long Island, NY.

IMG_0985Bellerose Diner, I grew up in Bellerose NY IMG_1624

Lionel Tin-Plate cars with my Grandkid's names.


A Ryder gas station for my Grandson Ryder.


Ryder Express Lionel cars restored with pictures of all my Grandsons relatives pictures in the windows


Hoods Milk factory because my Grandfather designed the Hood' Milk Cow.


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