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This time it is a personal project. This is an MTH Ps2 5v AFT Gs4 that I got. As always, even with the preventative measures the 5v board died. I installed a 3v replacement and it died as well. With that said, I was done with Protosounds in this thing and decided to go Legacy. I started in the tender by modifying it to accommodate my favorite full size fatboy speaker. I had to cut into the pot/switch bracket. Worked well and sprayed it with some semi gloss black after I was done. I also added some additional switches to the the tender mount as there is not enough for the switches I wanted. A Lionel coupler was also installed into the tender. On the engine side of things I began installing LEDs for lighting, reused the old heat sink to mount the RCMC, and began wiring the locomotive. It is coming along nicely. More work to come.



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Here is some progress on my MTH AFT GS4 Legacy Conversion. I got the motor encoder installed onto the motor. I had to slightly enlarge the mounting holes on the PCB for the sensor to align properly with the flywheel ring. I used my dremel to lengthen the slat spot on the motor output shaft to allow the set screw on the flywheel to seat better. I also ground down the tops of the motor mount screws to allow the encoder ring to not the hit the screws as it spun. Got working on the tender as well. Drilled holes and mounted the RS Lite and the LTC1 board. The speaker and switches were already installed previously. Looking good and hoping to get more done soon.     


I put electrical tape behind the PCB to prevent it from shorting out on the motor



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Lot of progress has been made. I am about 95% complete. The tender was done, but loco needed wiring and more modifications. Turns out a brush was grounding so I put a different Pittman on to be safe. I also had to machine down the flywheel to fit between some shell studs. All the wiring is complete, though I still need to hook the mars light up to a mars light simulator and insulate the pilot as the antenna. Though for now I am extremely happy with how this had turned out. IMG_20210117_192759272IMG_20210117_140949566IMG_20210117_112337401IMG_20210117_112334232IMG_20210116_012326494IMG_20210115_225919173IMG_20210115_180157728


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Last edited by Sid's Trains

I’ve only just discovered this thread. Great work!

And way above my pay grade and probably ambition, too, as witness that I thought a “Legacy” conversion must be a misprint for ERR TMCC. But the boards and controls I can make out in your photos appear to me to be Legacy, not TMCC.

That’s intriguing although I might be out of date or under-informed about getting Legacy components. I thought, however, that they were coded for specific engines.

Anyway congrats on a fine project.

@Hancock52 posted:

I’ve only just discovered this thread. Great work!

And way above my pay grade and probably ambition, too, as witness that I thought a “Legacy” conversion must be a misprint for ERR TMCC. But the boards and controls I can make out in your photos appear to me to be Legacy, not TMCC.

That’s intriguing although I might be out of date or under-informed about getting Legacy components. I thought, however, that they were coded for specific engines.

Anyway congrats on a fine project.

Thanks. These are legacy electronics and while they were programed for other locomotives, they can be retrofitted to work with different locomotives as long as the specifications are the same.

Point of detail - what are you using for a Mars Light simulator? Don’t some RCMC boards have outputs for that feature? My only experience is with an early Legacy board (1st run of FEF-3s) where the output just produces a blinker effect; later Legacy has a more realistic effect, about on a par with some dedicated TMCC Mars effect boards.

I’ve used the Ngineering Mars Light simulator for a number of engines - mostly 3rd Rail before Scott started using their products himself. It is highly realistic.

@Hancock52 posted:

Point of detail - what are you using for a Mars Light simulator? Don’t some RCMC boards have outputs for that feature? My only experience is with an early Legacy board (1st run of FEF-3s) where the output just produces a blinker effect; later Legacy has a more realistic effect, about on a par with some dedicated TMCC Mars effect boards.

I’ve used the Ngineering Mars Light simulator for a number of engines - mostly 3rd Rail before Scott started using their products himself. It is highly realistic.

I am going to check the rcmc. 9f not I will use a low voltage Ngineering simulator.

Nice job. I wonder if you'll be able to update the RS board to one from the latest GS class release. The one you're using has the incorrect whistle for a SP GS class. Lionel used some generic whistle in the last LEgact version from a few years ago.

I converted a Premier WP GS64 into a SP GS6 last year. Had no boards or wiring and was missing a few parts. Used a MTH PS3 kit and their GS class sound file has the correct SP "tug boat" whistle.

@Lou1985 posted:

Nice job. I wonder if you'll be able to update the RS board to one from the latest GS class release. The one you're using has the incorrect whistle for a SP GS class. Lionel used some generic whistle in the last LEgact version from a few years ago.

I converted a Premier WP GS64 into a SP GS6 last year. Had no boards or wiring and was missing a few parts. Used a MTH PS3 kit and their GS class sound file has the correct SP "tug boat" whistle.

Thanks. I do know the whistle is incorrect. I do admit the 4449 did wear a higher pitch whistle as the AFT, but this whistle instead is more for a GS2. I will look into other sounds when they become available.

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