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I read a thread on Lemax items and decided to ask .

One poster advised to always use the on/off switch on the product, another stated his buildings were turned off via a 'power strip".

My knowledge of electricity is if you plug it in and it works, all is OK.

Looking for opinions, which method is better or does it make a difference?

ON/OFF switch or a power strip to turn all buildings at the same time. 





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Brent, All of my buildings like that, centralized in one neighborhood of the layout (approx. 14' long), are illuminated by two strings of Christmas-lights (which I'm almost embarrassed to admit) that have one plug that plugs into an outlet. Here they are,IMG_0851

IMG_0856 smiling back at us. I did not use their individual lights that came with each of them, in them, which I utilized for the other individual, crafted structures around the rest of the layout., some of which are seen here in the First Level valley....IMG_0865edIMG_0861edx


Does that help?


Images (4)
  • IMG_0851
  • IMG_0856
  • IMG_0865ed
  • IMG_0861edx
Last edited by Moonson

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