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For those people looking for modern US Army vechicles there is a guy on ebay that makes M109A6 Paladin, M992 tracked ammo carrier, M577 command vechicle, M88 Armored receovery vechicle, m578 tracked supply vechicle.  He says they are 1/48 but most are close to 1/50.  They look great.    Ne has an m113 but it has to be redone as I found some errors in it.  He does other stufff by 3d printing.   He goes byterrain3d on ebay.     I will post photos of the ones I bought that I have primed so far. 

Stay tuned for the photos.

Ok here are some photos of some of my military loads.  First up are MTH M60A1 on Weaver 50 ft and 58 ft flat cars.   I added 1.5 inches of deck to strech the flat car.  I used undecorated Weaver flat cars that I cut up to get 4 or 5 sections so i can convert a bunch of the 50 ft cars.  I had custom made decal sets made years ago.    I just finished these two cars this week.

IMG_20230618_210141872 M60a1

IMG_20230618_210117670 M60A1

Part of my fleet taken 12 years ago.    I have a very understanding wife as I took over the dining room for a few days.     Since then i have made more 1/48 scale models and  added alot of the MTH modern flat cars with military loads.     I am still chaining down stuff.   VBG

I have US LAV25, M2 Bradley by Kitech, M109 by Auora, Various Humvees and Construction equipment painted in olive drab.   All on Weaver

50 ft flat cars .     

My military stuff on Weaver flats 12 yrs ago

My weaver military flats from 12 yrs ago before I chained them all down on dining room table


Images (4)
  • IMG_20230618_210117670 M60A1
  • IMG_20230618_210141872 M60a1
  • My weaver military flats from 12 yrs ago before I chained them all down on dining room table
  • My military stuff on Weaver flats 12 yrs ago

Folks here are the Modern 3d printed loads I talked about earlier.     They are only primed so far.   All on Atlas O DODX 62 ft flat car.      They are as follows:

M992 Ammo Carrier for M109A6 Paladin.   I have 3 of these.   

IMG_20230618_210256955 M992

M548 Cargo Carrier.   I have one of these so far.

IMG_20230618_210354181 M548 cargo

M577 Command vechicle.   Thios is based upon a M113 APC.   I have 3 of these so far.

IMG_20230618_210342689 M577 Command

M88 Armored Recovery- Engineer vechicle.    Note boom broke when it slipped out of my hands while painting it.   I have one so far.

IMG_20230618_210324955 M88 on Atlas flat

M109 A6 on Atlas-O 62 flat car.   I have 2 of these so far but will order more.   VBG   he has to add the commander cupola to it.  He is working on it he told me.

IMG_20230618_210243743 M109A6 on Atals flat

M992 Ammo carrier and a M109A6 Paladin.     

IMG_20230618_210234992 M992 M109A6 on Atlas flat

I bought these from terrain3d on ebay.     He has other stuff and in various scales.

Any questions comments contact me.


Images (6)
  • IMG_20230618_210234992 M992  M109A6 on Atlas flat
  • IMG_20230618_210243743 M109A6 on Atals flat
  • IMG_20230618_210324955 M88 on Atlas flat
  • IMG_20230618_210342689 M577 Command
  • IMG_20230618_210354181 M548 cargo
  • IMG_20230618_210256955 M992


I added the 1.5 inch section as no one at the time did a 60 or 62 ft militay flat car.   I have 8 or 10 Atlas-O DODX 62 ft flats that I will be adding loads to once i finished building my Tamiya M1A1 Abram tanks and finish painting the 3d printed stuff i recently bought.   I have been building my military train for over 12 years.   VBG.   There was an old thread that had some videos of my military trains on the forum.   In addition some years ago my MTH US Amy Genset was on the cover of OGR Magazine as our train club had an article in that issue.    I am a member of the TMB train club on LI.    Unfortunately we lost our lease last year after 10 years and had to break up our 4000 sf layout in Farmingdale.    Hopefully we find a new place by the end of this summer and start building a new layout.       

@Randy T posted:

Ok here are some photos of some of my military loads.  First up are MTH M60A1 on Weaver 50 ft and 58 ft flat cars.   I added 1.5 inches of deck to strech the flat car.  I used undecorated Weaver flat cars that I cut up to get 4 or 5 sections so i can convert a bunch of the 50 ft cars.  I had custom made decal sets made years ago.    I just finished these two cars this week.

IMG_20230618_210141872 M60a1

IMG_20230618_210117670 M60A1

Part of my fleet taken 12 years ago.    I have a very understanding wife as I took over the dining room for a few days.     Since then i have made more 1/48 scale models and  added alot of the MTH modern flat cars with military loads.     I am still chaining down stuff.   VBG

I have US LAV25, M2 Bradley by Kitech, M109 by Auora, Various Humvees and Construction equipment painted in olive drab.   All on Weaver

50 ft flat cars .     

My military stuff on Weaver flats 12 yrs ago

My weaver military flats from 12 yrs ago before I chained them all down on dining room table

Wow Randy, that's one very large collection of flats with tanks.

Frank go to ebay and look for terrain3d.   He has all sorts of nice items.    I have 4 more pieces coming this week.   His M113 is undersized and has too many road wheels.    I am hoping he changes his design to match the real M113.    The M577 you can make him an offer of 10% to 15% less than what he asked for especially if you are buying 2 or more.   He makes a M548 cargo vechicle, M977 ammo vechicle, an M109A6 self propelled howitzer but he needs to make the commanders hatch for it, an M88 tank recovery tank with the boom up or in transport mode and he has some new items too.       have fun.

Folk I want to show you some photos of my project using 3D printed modern loads.   I have about 60 vehicles to put on MTH and Weaver flat cars.    So far i have painted 39 vehicles.   I still have at least 30 more to base paint then I have to do the wheels, tracks, tools aand other details before I attach them to the MTH 62 ft flats and weaver 50 ft flat cars.

this is photo of full fleet to be attached.   On left some in desert scheme and others in NATO green scheme.     On the right are the 29 to 30 unpainted ones.

IMG_20231204_162022868 Full Army

Photo of basic painting of fleet of M109A6 Paladins, M577 command vehicles, M548 cargo ones, 4x4 MRAP, next row  M992 Crusader that has Ammo for the M109's, M88 Recovery vechicle and load carrying vechicles.   Back rows similiar but in HATO green scheme.

IMG_20231204_161957841 39 painted vechicles

Here are the unpainted ones.   Front row Marine LAV's, Next two rows US Army Stryker vechicles, M109A6 w/o cannons and last row 7 M113's.   I have a few more coming.   VBG

IMG_20231204_162004903 29 more to be painted

This photo shows what I did to improve the MTH flats with Bradleys.   I will chain them done after  I glue the vehicle to the flat cars.


If you have any questions contact me at

have a great week and thanks for looking!


Images (4)
  • IMG_20231204_162022868 Full Army
  • IMG_20231204_161957841  39 painted vechicles
  • IMG_20231204_162004903 29 more to be painted
  • IMG-8799

Hi folks,

I have finished attaching some of the 3D printed modern armor to  some of my new fleet of DODX 68 ft flat cars.   

Two M992 Crusader ammo carriers for M109A6

IMG_20240129_170255690 M992 on Atlas-O 68 ft flat car

M109A6 Paladin with M992


Another M109A6 Paladin with M992 ammo carrier


Third M109A6 with M992


Four of the 5 I did on our bed.   

IMG_20240129_170938982 Modern armor on Atlas-O 68 ft flat cars

MTH/ Solido M60A1 on weaver 50 ft flat car.  I took the ERA packs off, plugged the holes and repainted the turret

IMG_20240129_171156265 M60a1 on Weaver flat car

Another M60A1 on a Weaver flat car

IMG_20240129_171227816 M60a1 on Weaver flat car

I have alot more to finish painting and mounting on Weaver flat cars I made longer.   VBG


Images (7)
  • IMG_20240129_170255690 M992 on Atlas-O 68 ft flat car
  • IMG_20240129_170333070
  • IMG_20240129_170410177
  • IMG_20240129_170437380
  • IMG_20240129_170938982 Modern armor on Atlas-O 68 ft flat cars
  • IMG_20240129_171156265 M60a1 on Weaver flat car
  • IMG_20240129_171227816 M60a1 on Weaver flat car

Ok folks I have several more loads to show.

Two Stryker Anti Tank on MTH US Army 60 ft flats    Almost all the vechicles are 3D printed that I painted.   

IMG_20240630_131747051 M1126 Stryker on flat


IMG_20240630_131829563 M270 MLRS On flat

M1126 Stryker IFV  on MTH flat car

IMG_20240630_132822114 M1126 Stryker

M((@ Ammo Carrier on MTH Army flat car

IMG_20240630_140155046 M992 Ammo carrier on flat

M577 Command vechicle on US Army flat car

IMG_20240630_132747129 M577 Command vechicle on flat

M578 Cargo carrier on US Army flat car

IMG_20240630_132954225 M578 on flats

I have about 60 more vechicles to mount on my MTH US army and Weaver flat cars.    I have about 35 to paint.   VBG

any questions or comments just ask.

Thanks for looking.


Images (6)
  • IMG_20240630_131747051 M1126 Stryker on flat
  • IMG_20240630_131829563 M270 MLRS On flat
  • IMG_20240630_132822114 M1126 Stryker
  • IMG_20240630_140155046  M992 Ammo carrier on flat
  • IMG_20240630_132747129  M577 Command vechicle on flat
  • IMG_20240630_132954225 M578 on flats

John B I have MTH US Army gen set, US Army GP9, US army GP20.    I have not pulled any of the cars as I do not have a layout but our club is building a 5000 sq ft layout that I intend to run on by the holidays when all the wiring is done on all 4 main lines.     I also use any of my ATSF, BN, BNSF, CR and UP diesels by MTH , Lionel, Weaver or Third Rail.    I have a huge diesel fleet.    VBG.   On earlier pages in this topic I think I posted some photos of my or videos of the the military loads on our prior club layout.     

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