Another small, well it ended up Not So, project was to light these low relief buildings that I used under the tree last year. They are cast resin that I will use along one side of my layout along with a couple of Lemax buildings I really like.
For Dolly's I used 3 wide soft white led's to light the inside behind the counter. That left the overhang very dark so I drilled out the center of the overhead lights and used some grain of wheat bulbs to light that. I covered the wiring on the roof with some cardstock and the painted it black. The sign lights are again grain of wheat. The shades are rivit backers for large snaps. I made an oak die so I could stamp them with a rounded rod to flare the shades. Neon was added using cheap, (3 bucks each, I think) EL lights 3' in length. The controller has a quick flash mode which when viewed gives a very good illusion of chasing lights.
Next was Wally's gas station. I used all grain of wheat on this. Two under the overhang. I drilled down thru the sign and ran the wires up and back across the top. I still have to cover the wires. The over the door light was made with a snap shade and some brass tube. Same treatment as Dolly's for the sign lights.
And lastly, I'll post this here just because I don't want to start a thread just for this, my version of Clark Griswold's house, (Christmas Vacation). I had this plasticville kit, and no place for it. Looking at it, it was similar to the Griswold house. So I painted it the approiate colors, Added lights to the roof, and lights to the inside. For a special effect I printed some faces and a couple of scenes from the movie. Made a box from matt board, painted it black and glued the pics on the rear. When lit you can look thru the windows and door and see Clark and his family. I have a couple more things to add, hopefully the sound module which will play the clip "Where are you gonna put a tree that big. Bend over and I'll show you................ I wasn't talking to you." I've got a horror clix figure holding up a chainsaw that I believe I can paint to resemble Clark and put just inside the garage door.
Hope you enjoyed. Merry Christmas to all.