Hello , I 'm really going to show my stupidity but here goes - Is block wiring even necessary when using lion chief plus or legacy control ? Other than parking engines somewhere so they don't sit with 18vac on them , what am I missing ? I don't have any conventional engines any more , but I suppose they would run off a transformer as the layout would be essentially one block. Go easy on me and thanks for any help !
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Not strictly necessary no. You did point out one good use for it still.
Blocking of course for sidings and spurs that can be toggled off for parked locos/cars/consists as you already said.
But I believe isolated blocks can also be useful for diagnosing or trageting shorts or other track/operational issues depending on the size of your layout, even when running 18 volts constant for LC+ or similar operation.
It's still a good idea to have "power districts" for electrical distribution and troubleshooting, but not necessary for control, except for killing power to a track, as you point out.
Is it mandatory - no, but it can be beneficial, even assuming that you have multiple power feeds to the track and no voltage loss at any point on the layout.
As you stated, it can isolate sidings. That means less electric usage and lower electric bills. In addition, some MTH engines track hours of usage and just sitting on a powered track will increase the hours, even without the train running.
In addition, it can allow you to run two trains at once, especially if you use block detection wiring.
It will also make it easier to find electrical issues if they come up (and they eventually will).
Finally, some systems, like DCS recommend block wiring to assist with optimum signal reception.
These are just some of the benefits.
All excellent reasons to put blocks in , thank you . I’m not trying to be lazy , but we’re changing a 25 year old toshiba vfd at work and right now I could never see another term block again and be very happy 😄
Tip: Don't forget to turn off your remotes when you park LC's on a dead track. They love to eat batteries. My pet peeve with LC.
Richie C. posted:In addition, some MTH engines track hours of usage and just sitting on a powered track will increase the hours, even without the train running.
Make that all PS/2 or PS/3 engines.
I hear there's going to be a new "Lionchief ++" coming in the latest catalog. It'll be interesting to see what that's all about. However, it doesn't come with a remote, you have to run it with Bluetooth, the LC Universal Remote, or in conventional mode.
gunrunnerjohn posted:I hear there's going to be a new "Lionchief ++" coming in the latest catalog. It'll be interesting to see what that's all about.
However, it doesn't come with a remote, you have to run it with Bluetooth, the LC Universal Remote, or in conventional mode.
I will be interested in your assessment.
LionChief ++ will have another operating feature, but unfortunately, I can't go into details now until the catalog is released.
Chuck Sartor posted:LionChief ++ will have another operating feature, but unfortunately, I can't go into details now until the catalog is released.
Der may be vays of making you tok.....LOL
I could have looked when I was at the store today picking up repairs, but I figured I'd see the details LONG before any product, so nothing lost.
Well the cat is out of the bag. You can read about it in the Lionel 2019 post.
Chuck Sartor posted:Well the cat is out of the bag. You can read about it in the Lionel 2019 post.
Yeah Chuck, I'm not even sure why Lionel is bothering to stick to their roll out date at this point. They shot themselves in the foot by letting the dealers have them early.
Tomorrow's news, today!