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One more question for the forum:


I'm going to (hopefully) activate to my Lionel Double Signal Bridge (6-14094) with a single Lionel 153IR controller.


Fortunately, there is a wiring diagram for this in the owner's manual for the bridge.


However, I have the following question/skepticism:  how can one 153IR controller control both lights of the bridge INDEPENDENTLY? 


I have an inner and outer mainline which run under the bridge and each red/green light.  How does the 153IR "know" how to trigger only the outer mainline when a train passes by the IR detector and not the inner mainline at the same time...and vice versa?  Is the IR sensor simply that sensitive?


Hoping I don't have to buy a second 153IR controller....



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The IR153 can only control a single "on" event and single "off" event.  In this case, the one sensor can turn on a red light when the train is detected using the normally open contact (N.O.).  You can wire it so that both red lights on the bridge turn on when the sensor dectects the train.  The green light is connected to the normally closed (N.C.) contact.  Once again, either one or both green lights can be wired.   


If you want to control each light signal (inner and outer ) independently, then you will need 2 separate sensors.   

Ughh.....that's what I feared as soon as I started working on it.  Thanks for the two responses.


In retrospect, the Z-Stuff for Trains Signal Bridges would be a much better way to go.  Simply add power and away you go.


I have two signal bridges and two mainlines which would require four 153IRs to work correctly.  Can't see that happening.  Oh well......lesson learned.

Woo Jr:  Does your comment about additional challenges with direction changes pertain to the Z-Stuff optical sensor or the 153IR sensors?


I'm not sure how installing one signal bridge could take exponentially longer than installing TMCC.....but it did....and I'm not done yet....and obviously quite annoyed.


I also agree with you on the MTH signals.  The addition of the yellow light is a nice touch.  (same would apply for Z-Stuff signals product.) 


They also avoid the following issue with Lionel's bridge:  the Lionel double signal bridge limits you on how far apart your mainlines are b/c they have to fit within the two side support pieces.  MTH offers two seperate signals on one tower/frame that "sits" to just one/either side of the track.  You can keep your mainlines as far apart as you'd like.


I'm about ready to put both my towers and 153IRs up on Ebay and spring for the Z-Stuff units.  It can only get easier!

Originally Posted by Berkshire President:

Woo Jr:  Does your comment about additional challenges with direction changes pertain to the Z-Stuff optical sensor or the 153IR sensors?



I also agree with you on the MTH signals.  The addition of the yellow light is a nice touch.  (same would apply for Z-Stuff signals product.) 



Hi Berk,  I meant that if you want to run trains in both directions on the same track, the location of your sensors gets complicated.  It is easier to plop down the  153IR where ever it works for you.  I like seeing the lights change before the loco comes into view.  Reminds me of waiting for the PATCO in S. Jersey.  

Then I set the timer to change back after the train passes.  I liked the 153's... I buy an extra one every so often if I see one on sale.

I like the cantilever signals.  More flexibility in setting them in different places, curves, switches... Insulated rail works great too. Just more permanent thinking when installing.  Good luck, John

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